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Connection Settings for ServiceNow

To authorize REST API access to a user other than an administrator, you can assign the rest_service role to a user on your instance.


To integrate with ServiceNow, provide the following parameters:

(WebSphere) Retrieve Certificates From Server

To enable communication between ServiceNow and CA Identity Manager, retrieve certificates from the server and add them to the NodeDefaultTrustStore.

Follow these steps:

  1. In the WebSphere administrative console, expand Security, and click SSL certificate and key management.
  2. Under Configuration settings, click Manage endpoint security configurations.
  3. Select the appropriate outbound configuration to get to the (cell): <server-name>Node01Cell:(node):<server-name>Node01 management scope.
  4. Under Related Items, click Key stores and certificates, and click the NodeDefaultTrustStore key store.
  5. Under Additional Properties, click Signer certificates and Retrieve From Port.
  6. Enter the following parameters in the Host field:

    host name:

    port: 443

    alias: service-now.com_cert

  7. Click Retrieve Signer Information.
  8. Verify that the certificate information is for a certificate that you can trust.
  9. Click Apply and Save.
  10. Restart WebSphere.

You retrieved certificates from the server.

(WebLogic) Configure Hostname Verifier

The default WebLogic Hostname Verifier has an issue with hostnames that contain wildcards, configure your WebLogic server to use the SSLWLSWildcardHostnameVerifier.

Follow these steps:

  1. In the WLS console, go to Environment, Servers, AdminServer.
  2. Select the SSL tab and click Advanced.
  3. Change Hostname verification entry to Custom Hostname Verifier.
  4. In Custom Hostname verifier type the following text:
  5. Select Use JSSE SSL
  6. Click Save and Restart WebLogic

You configured the hostname verifier.