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Screens and Tabs › Tabs › Endpoint Account Management Tabs › Account Management Screens › Oracle Siebel CRM › Mapping Table: Responsibility
Mapping Table: Responsibility
Use this tab to configure custom mapping for Responsibility's single-value fields.
The fields in this tab are listed below:
- Business Object Name for Responsibility
- Specifies the name of a business object that represents Siebel responsibilities.
- Business Component Name for Responsibility
- Specifies the name of a business component (within a business object) that contains the Siebel responsibility data.
- Naming Field for Responsibility
- Specifies Siebel field containing Siebel object name.
- Definition of a Custom field for Responsibility
Specifies the mapping data (ETA Attribute, Display String, Siebel Field, Control Type, and LOV Type) for one field in a Siebel object
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