Use this tab to specify email attributes.
The fields in this tab are listed below:
Specifies the cc:Mail address in the user's directory entry.
Specifies the cc:Mail comment in the user's directory entry.
Specifies whether the user is notified of the arrival of mail. This is part of the user's directory entry. Possible values are:
Specifies whether the user is notified of the arrival of priority, private, and important mail. This is part of the user's directory entry.
Select this check box to indicate whether the user is notified of the arrival of messages. This is part of the user's directory entry.
Select this check box to indicate whether to print a cover page as specified in the user's directory entry.
This is a read-only field showing the SMTP domain as specified in the user's directory entry.
*For Accounts Only
This is a read-only field showing the SMTP route as specified in the user's directory entry.
*For Accounts Only
This is a read-only field showing the SMTP user ID as specified in the user's directory entry.
*For Accounts Only
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