Screens and Tabs › Tabs › Endpoint Account Management Tabs › Account Management Screens › IBM DB2 for z/OS › Endpoint Tab
Endpoint Tab
Use this tab to:
- Register a DB2 ZOS endpoint when you are creating it. When you register a DB2 ZOS endpoint, CA Identity Manager locates the server and gathers information about it.
- You must specify the endpoint that will appear in the User Console, the name of the DB2 ZOS service, and the user ID and password of an account with sufficient access rights to administer the server.
- View and modify the properties of an endpoint that has already been created.
The fields in this tab are listed below:
- Endpoint Name
- Specifies the name that will appear in the Provisioning Manager list of DB2 ZOS endpoints.
- Size/Type: 100 / String
- Restrictions: The following characters are not allowed: / \ [ ] ; : | = , + * ? < > @ ( ) "
- This is a required field.
- Description
- Specifies a description for this DB2 UDB endpoint.
- Size/Type: 128 / String
- Restrictions: Only ASCII characters are permitted.
- Database Name
- Specifies the name of the database within the host to be connected to.
- This is a required field.
- System Login
- Specifies the user ID used to connect to the host.
- Size/Type: 128 / String
- Restrictions: Only ASCII characters are permitted.
- This is a required field.
- Password
- Enter the password of the user ID that you entered in the System Logon field.
- Size/Type: 256 / String
- Restrictions: Only ASCII characters are permitted.
- This is a required field.
- Communication Protocol
- Specifies the protocol that is used for communication between the DB2 ZOS client and server for the host.
- This is a required field.
- Host Name
- Specifies the name of the host on the DB2 ZOS server.
- This is a required field.
- Service Name or Port Number
- Specifies the name of the DB2 service or the Port Number of the Service
- This is a required field.
- Default Account Template
Specifies the default account template of the endpoint. The default account template is used to create new accounts on the endpoint. Click the Browse button to search and add account templates.
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