Use this tab to add view and modify the name, password, and status information for the account.
The fields in this tab are listed below:
Specifies a text description of the user.
Note: If using the rule, %UD:1,50%, the maximum length of the description is 50 characters but the user description may be longer, so you must limit the length of the evaluated value of the rule.
Specifies the user ID number.
Specifies where the password will come from. You can choose from the following:
Specifies the user password.
Confirms the user password.
*For Accounts Only
A check in this box specifies that the expiration interval will be enforced.
Use this box to set the number of days the user's password can remain active before it must be changed.
When checked, specifies that the account is suspended.
When checked, specifies that the account is outside the control of provisioning roles. The provisioning function “Check User Synchronization” will not report this account as extra, and therefore will not signal that this account should be deleted to bring the user in compliance with its provisioning roles.
Use this box to specify the new value of the Document Password attribute. You can choose from the following:
Specifies the document password.
Confirms the document password.
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