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Work Item Delegation Tab

This tab allows you to create or modify delegations. In addition to any columns configured to appear, three additional columns are included in the list:

Start Date

Displays the date the delegation was created.

End Date

Displays the date the delegation is set to end.

Has Delegates

Indicates whether the delegate has already delegated work items to another user.

You can only add or remove a delegate if you have scope over that user. The minus icon to the left of the User ID will allow you to remove a delegate. If there is no minus icon, you do not have scope over the delegate and cannot remove that user.

To edit the delegation details, click the pencil icon. The screen expands to the Edit Delegation Details screen. Use this screen to change the Start and End dates.

Start Date

Specifies the date the delegation is created. Click the calendar to specify a date.

Note: An error message is displayed when the Delegation Start Date selected is before the current date.

Has End Date

Click this check box to set the date for the delegation to end.

End Date

Specifies the date the delegation is to end. Click the calendar to specify a date.

More Information:

Search Screen Configuration

Delegating Work Items