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Screens and Tabs › Tabs › User Management Tabs › Accounts Tab
Accounts Tab
Use this tab to view or modify the endpoint accounts assigned to a user.
For View or Modify Tasks
Under Account Details, you click a name to perform these actions:
- Modify--Changes the selected account (if you are using a Modify task).
- View--Displays the current settings of the selected account.
- Move--Moves the user's endpoint accounts to a different container (if you are using a Modify task).
- Delete--Deletes the endpoint account (if you are using a Modify task).
If you delete an account whose source is user-provisioning role association, but leave that user in the provisioning role, it may get created again. The account is recreated when you use Synchronize User with Roles in Provisioning Manager.
The fields in Account Details section have these definitions:
- Name--Displays the login name, email name, or other name for the endpoint account.
- Endpoint Type--Displays the type of endpoint to be managed, such as an LDAP directory.
- Endpoint--Displays the endpoint to be managed.
- Suspended--Shows one of three states.
- Active appears if the account is enabled.
- Suspended appears if the account is disabled.
- Activation Pending (Manual) appears if it cannot be resumed or suspended. You must log into the endpoint system to resume or suspend the account.
- Locked--Shows if the account is locked. Locking occurs when a user makes several attempts to log into the account with the wrong password.
For Modify Tasks
Additional options exist for tasks that modify accounts of a user.
Create Account creates an account on the selected endpoint. The new account is an exception account, because it has no account template nor provisioning role associated with it. Provisioning roles simplify the management of accounts.
Actions for Selected Accounts provides actions for accounts you select:
- Refresh Accounts--Updates the accounts to show the current attributes.
- Suspend--Disables selected accounts.
- Resume--Enables suspended accounts.
- Unlock--Unlocks accounts that are locked due to a violation of a password policy, such as exceeding the maximum number of failed login attempts.
- Change Password--Resets the password for the account. The password you enter is validated against CA Identity Manager password policies.
- Assign--Associates accounts with a different user.
- Unassign--Removes accounts from the current user.
- Delete--Deletes the selected endpoint accounts.
If you delete an account whose source is user-provisioning role association, but leave that user in the provisioning role, it may get created again. The account is recreated when you use Synchronize User with Roles in Provisioning Manager.
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