Managed Services (Basic Access Requests) › Creating a Service › Understand Service Creation
Understand Service Creation
Before you create a service, consider the prerequisite information and entitlements that are required to create and fulfill the service.
Consider the following questions:
- What business need does this service address? For example, you can create a service that makes an account on Salesforce.com available to all new employees.
- Do members of the service need certain admin roles? If so, create or identify those admin roles.
- Must members of the service receive access to one or more endpoints? If so, create or identify those endpoints.
- If members of the service need access to endpoints, create or identify the associated provisioning roles and account templates.
- Must members of the service be members of certain groups? If so, create or identify those groups.
- Must certain user attributes be referenced or modified when a user becomes a member of the service? For example, when a user receives the Salesforce.com service, is it necessary to confirm whether the department attribute for that user is set to Sales? If so, create or identify those user attributes.
Once you have created or identified these prerequisites, you can begin service creation.
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