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Configure Feeder File Upload Search

Configure the parser file you want to use to parse the uploaded feeder file. Complete the following fields:


Defines the user-visible name of the tab.


An identifier that is unique within the task. It can contain ASCII characters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), or underscore characters, beginning with a letter or underscore. The tag is used for setting data values through XML documents or HTTP parameters.


Defines the title of the tab.

Parser Fully Qualified Name

Defines the name of the parser file that is used to parse the uploaded feeder files. The sample parser file is located at admin_tools\samples\Feeder.

Feeder File Format

Specifies if the Bulk Loader can process feeder files that are only Excel format or CSV and Excel formats.

Parser Deletion Sequence

Defines the value in the feeder file that indicates the deletion of the attribute.

Primary Object

Defines the value used as the default for the primary object field of the Loader Actions Mapping screen.

What field will be used to uniquely identify the object?

Defines the value used as the default for the unique identification field of the Loader Records Details screen.

Attribute Mappings

Allows you to map custom attributes to CA Identity Manager attributes, which include physical names, well-known names, and logical attribute names. You can create custom names in the column headers of the feeder files, and the Bulk Loader maps the custom fields to CA Identity Manager attributes based on the mappings specified, during task execution.

What field represents the action to perform on the object?

Defines the value used as the default for the action field of the Loader Records Details screen.

Task Mappings

Allows you to map action values to CA Identity Manager tasks. The mappings specified set the default values in the Loader Actions Mapping screen.

Note: Only tasks that the current user has access to are listed in the drop-down list.