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Configure Approvers Tab

This tab lists all participants who can approve or reject the work item. It also allows reassignment of the work item.

Include this tab in a workflow approval task, such as Approve Modify User.


A name you assign to the tab.


An identifier for the tab that is unique within the task. It must start with a letter or underscore and contain, letters, numbers, or underscores only. The tag is mainly used for setting data values through XML documents or HTTP parameters.

Hide Tab

Prevents the tab from being visible in the task. This option is useful for applications that need to hide the tab, but still have access to attributes on the tab.

Read Only

Prevents users from editing fields on the tab.

Delegates may reassign work items

Determines whether a user who has been delegated a work item can reassign that work item to other users.

Assignee List Screen

Defines the screen that lists the current work item approvers.

New Assignee Search Screen

Defines the screen that you use to search for and select additional work item approvers.