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How to Create Email Notification Policies

You can use the User Console to create email notification policies that send emails when certain actions take place. For example, you can create an email notification policy that sends an email to notify approvers when a new user is created.

Follow these steps:

  1. Select System, Email, Create Email.
  2. Select one of the following options:
  3. Provide basic information about the email notification policy in the Profile tab.
  4. Specify when CA Identity Manager sends the email in the When to Send tab.

    The When to Send tab provides several options to specify the actions that trigger email notifications.

  5. Specify the recipients of the email in the Recipients tab.
  6. Define the subject and content of the email in the Content tab.

    You can specify dynamic content, such as the date, task or event name, and user attributes in the email content.

More Information:

When to Send Tab

Recipients Tab


Email Notification Profile Tab